Ear Surgery
Conveniently located to serve Houston, Sugar Land and Pasadena
A Surgical Solution for Prominent Ears
If you have prominent or protruding ears that make you feel self-conscious, cosmetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, performed at Dr. Azita Madjidi's Houston, Texas office, can place the ears into a more conventional position.
Prominent ear is a condition where the ear appears to stick out and look abnormal. It can be a source of emotional distress at school, especially in young children. Most of the time, the shape of the ear is otherwise normal, but sometimes prominent ears have other deformities such as the flatness of the anterior surface, excessively deep concha, or protruding earlobes. Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Azita Madjidi offers ear pinning, also called otoplasty, to patients of all ages, though mostly works to help children with prominent ears. Most of the ear growth is done by age seven. Otoplasty may be safely performed after this age. The goal of otoplasty is to set back the ears so they appear natural and harmonious. Several areas may need to be addressed depending on individual anatomy. The cartilage may need to be reshaped, folded, and sutured in place or partially resected. Some skin may be removed from the back of the ear. Regardless of the technique employed, the scar is hidden behind the ear.
If you or your child has protruding ears, Dr. Madjidi can help you determine a course of treatment based on your needs and desires, to achieve the appearance you want. To learn more about how cosmetic ear surgery can benefit you, contact our Houston, Texas office today.
Your Otoplasty will be performed in Dr. Azita Madjidi’s office in Houston, TX.
The Otoplasty Process
For adults, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia with some sedation. For children younger than 10 or 12 years old, or for adults who are uncomfortable with local anesthesia, otoplasty is done under general anesthesia, as an outpatient procedure. It takes a couple of hours typically, though treatment time will vary based on the amount of work to do.
Post-operatively, a bulky dressing is placed for a few days. A loose headband is worn at night for six weeks to prevent the ear from being accidentally pulled away until healing is achieved.
"I personally perform the surgery and follow my patients during their recovery."
More severe deformities enter the category of congenital ear malformation or microtia. Depending on the severity of the malformation, hearing can be affected as well. Close collaboration with your ENT doctor will be necessary to plan the reconstruction of the external ear.
Otoplasty is a cosmetic procedure and in not covered by insurance. It does not interfere with hearing. Glasses may be worn after an otoplasty once the incisions have completely healed.
If your ears protrude from your head, it can detract from your other features. More importantly, it can cause you to feel self-conscious about your appearance, negatively affecting your self-esteem. Regardless of your age, otoplasty can help you to reduce the prominence of your ears and feel better about how you look. Dr. Madjidi can provide you with the personalized treatment that will meet your specific needs and accomplish the results you desire. To learn more about how cosmetic ear surgery at Dr. Madjidi's Houston, Texas practice – serving Sugar Land, Pasadena and patients from around the world – can help you, contact us today.