Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Wearing Compression Garments After Body Contouring Surgery

Nov 29, 2014 @ 05:37 PM — by
Tagged with: Body Contouring Tummy Tuck

When patients come to the Houston plastic surgery center of Dr. Azita Madjidi, they can expect high-quality care that makes comfort a major part of the equation. Feeling comfortable during recovery is especially important for major surgical procedures, such as body plastic surgery treatments that trim, tone, and tighten a person's figure.

The issue of compression garments has come up a fair amount at our practice and online. We'd like to take a brief moment to consider the uses and benefits of compression garments.

What is a compression garment?

A compression garment is an undergarment that is worn after a patient has undergone a body contouring surgery. It is meant to provide support to the area of the body that was treated and improve the healing experience of the patient.

Compression Garments Are Common Following Body Sculpting

Compression garments are most commonly worn after patients undergo body contouring surgery, particularly any surgeries that involve the torso and abdomen. Compression garments are particularly common after tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty). Surgical bras work on a similar principle and are worn after a patient undergoes a breast enhancement surgery of some kind.

Are compression garments comfortable?


Compression garments are intended to be snug, but they are made of comfortable and breathing materials, such as spandex blends, to improve comfort when worn for long stretches of time.

What are the benefits of wearing a compression garment?

The primary benefit that patients report from wearing compression garments is reduced post-surgical swelling. The garment helps keep the treated area snug and supported, and this tends to help keep swelling at a minimum when compared to patients without compression garments in place.

Another benefit is psychological in nature. Because of the snugness of the compression garment, patients tend to feel more at ease as they heal. This peace of mind can't be discounted as positive outlooks can help reduce stress and improve overall healing experience.

We should note that the benefits of compression garments are generally anecdotal at this point. Controlled research into the positive effects of compression garments have yet to be done. When results of research available, we will be sure to share it on this blog.

How long will I wear my compression garment?

Patients will usually wear their compression garment for around two weeks. Your surgeon will determine if additional time is necessary during a follow-up visit to monitor your healing progress.

Some patients who undergo extensive body contouring procedures will be asked to wear their compression garment for longer simply given the nature of their treatment. Be sure to follow all of your post-op instructions to the letter to ensure optimal healing.

What should I consider when picking a compression garment?

The size of the compression garment is one of the most important concerns. You will want the compression garment to be supportive but not too tight. During your consultation process, we will be more than happy to discuss these decisions in more detail as well as any other concerns that you may have regarding the recovery experience.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azita Madjidi

For more information about body contouring surgery and how our team can help you look your absolute best, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Dr. Madjidi and her entire team look forward to your visit and helping you achieve optimal results through advanced aesthetic enhancement techniques.