Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Candidates for Facelift Surgery

Mar 3, 2014 @ 04:43 PM — by
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

As we grow older, our faces tend to reflect certain signs of aging. Wrinkles, creases, and loose skin are common examples of unwelcome changing facial features. All too often, these changes can present a façade that is far different than the energy and youth a person still feels inside. With the help of plastic surgery, patients can minimize the outward signs of aging, regaining a more youthful appearance for a number of years.

As one of the more comprehensive and effective facial treatments offered at our Houston practice, facelift surgery can be a great way to achieve a smoother, younger look. If you are considering a facelift, learn what this procedure can specifically address and who makes a good candidate for surgery.

What Can a Facelift Treat?

First, patients must understand the extent of what a facelift can treat. While a facelift can improve multiple signs of aging in the face, its scope is still restricted to localized facial regions. Specifically, a facelift is meant to improve the cheeks, the nasolabial fold (around the mouth), the jawline, and the upper neck. For problems in the forehead, eyelids, or other areas outside the mid- to lower-face, an alternative procedure can produce better results.

By tightening the skin and subcutaneous facial tissues, a facelift can reduce the prevalence of:  

Who Is a Candidate for Treatment?

Patients who are looking to correct any of the above features will likely benefit from a facelift, especially if the desired changes are limited to the middle and lower portions of the face. Although there is no set age for a facelift, patients tend to be in their late 40s to 60s, when signs of aging tend to become increasingly prominent and undesirable. Because younger patients often have an easier time recovering from surgery, their results tend to look the best. In addition, good candidates for surgery possess the following qualities:

Who May Not Be a Good Candidate?

Various risk factors may lower one’s candidacy for treatment. As with any surgical procedure, systemic disease such as heart disease and uncontrolled diabetes can raise the risk of complications. A compromised immune system for any reason can greatly increase risks during recovery. Similarly, patients who smoke, consume alcohol, or take certain medications may need to temporarily abstain prior to surgery and for a given period afterward.

Even the healthiest of patients must take care to discuss their medical history with their surgeon, to ensure all possible risk factors are at least known. Through an in-depth consultation, you can learn whether you should expect a safe, successful procedure.

Learn More about Facial Surgery

Our plastic surgery clinic is proud to offer facelifts and other facial procedures for nearly any type of problem caused by aging. With Dr. Madjidi’s expertise and personalized care for each patient’s needs, you can achieve a younger, more attractive look. Schedule a consultation to learn which of our techniques can best help you.