Azita Madjidi, M.D.

The Recovery Timeline for Breast Augmentation

Feb 5, 2014 @ 02:09 PM — by
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Here at our Houston plastic surgery practice, we want our patients to be educated on what they can expect from an upcoming procedure. This includes the recovery stage, wherein patients may experience various post-operative side effects as they heal. With the right expectations and precautions, patients can enjoy the results of their treatment without undue concern.

As one of the more popular procedures performed by Dr. Madjidi, breast augmentation can provide tremendous aesthetic benefits to the right candidates. But, like any surgery, time is needed for proper healing. If you have recently undergone an augmentation or are considering one, please refer to the following recovery timeline.

After Surgery

Surgery will be performed as an outpatient procedure, using general anesthesia. As a result, you will likely feel the effects of anesthesia - such as drowsiness, dizziness, and nausea - for an hour or longer after the procedure. Be sure to have a friend or family member drive you home and be readily available for the next few hours. At this point, it is crucial that you rest for the remainder of the day and at least the following 24 hours.

To assist with the recovery process, you will be given an elastic compression garment to wear around your chest, similar to a sports bra. By wearing this garment during recovery, you can lessen swelling, discomfort, skin irregularities, and risks of complication.

The First Week

Initially, your breasts and chest will feel sore and tight, even with the aid of painkillers. Nevertheless, painkilling medications, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, will play an integral role in limiting pain over the first few days. Discomfort will gradually decrease over the next couple of weeks, turning into a dull ache until breast tissue and muscles have fully healed.

As with many surgeries, bruising and swelling can be expect around the area of surgery. These effects will become most prominent around the third or fourth day, before slowly decreasing in the following days or weeks. While bruising is usually mild and subsides over the first week, swelling may not significantly resolve until four weeks, especially for implants that are located below the pectoral muscles. Additionally, some patients find that they have temporarily lost sensitivity in their nipples. This effect should gradually dissipate over the following weeks or months, depending on the patient and surgical technique used.

By the end of the first week, most patients look and feel good enough to return to work and light daily activities.   

The Remaining Weeks and Months

Following the first week of recovery, swelling and discomfort will continue to go down. As time goes on, you will feel your strength returning and you will increasingly have more energy. Although you may feel significantly better in just a few weeks, it is important to still take it easy, as the tissues surrounding the implants have not fully healed. Strenuous physical activities, particularly those involving the upper body, should be avoided. For a better idea of when you can resume certain activities, have your doctor update you periodically in your recovery.

Over the next three months, the implants will settle into their final position within the breasts, and internal scar tissues will hold them in place. There will be no more slight changes to the shape and size of your breasts, and you can conclusively see the results of your augmentation.

Want to Learn More?

Recovery is a vital part of any procedure, and we want you to be aptly prepared. For more information on what you should expect after a breast augmentation, schedule a consultation with Dr. Madjidi or ask a question over the phone. Contact our office today!