Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Recovering from a Facelift: What You Need to Know

Sep 13, 2013 @ 03:30 PM — by
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

Whether it’s due to age or becoming a new mother, most women have a problem with sagging or drooping skin. Unfortunately, there’s only so much a workout can do and some women find they aren’t seeing results. Drooping skin in the face can cause women to feel uncomfortable and older than they really are. Facelifts can help relieve that insecurity and leave skin looking youthful and firm.

However, a facelift is really an intricate surgery, requiring expert precision and diligence. Dr. Azita Madjidi and her Houston, Texas team are all leaders in their field and can deliver outstanding results.

For patients interested in getting a facelift, it’s important to also learn about the recovery process before committing to the procedure.

Recovery Process

Just like any other plastic surgery procedure, recovery time is based on the individual. Some might take only a few days, while some could take a few weeks. Generally, patients see the final results in a month or two.

While there is little pain associated with facelift surgery, patients may ask their surgeon to prescribe a pain medication as needed.

A patient’s recovery begins immediately following the procedure. When the surgery is completed, the patient is transported to a recovery area. In the recovery area, nurses might wrap the face with a bandage and insert small tubes underneath the skin for drainage. This helps prevent fluid from accumulating beneath the skin near the incisions.

Patients should elevate the head in the early stages of the post-operative process. It will help to reduce the immediate swelling following the surgery. Ice packs and cold compresses also help keep swelling to a minimum after the surgery. However, most swelling subsides after the first two days. Puffiness and bruising can persist for about two weeks.

As swelling subsides, patients may notice some unevenness or asymmetry in the face, but this is only temporary and completely normal. This does not mean the surgery was not performed correctly.

There may be some minimal scarring at first from the incisions. However, these will fade completely between six months to a year.

Things to Avoid During Recovery

There are some things that Dr. Madjidi advises patients to avoid. They are as follows:

Dr. Azita Madjidi will supply patients with a list of care instructions to ensure recovery goes as smoothly as possible at home.

If you would like to learn more about the recovery process, talk to a doctor, or schedule an appointment for a consultation, contact our Houston office today. Our team is always eager to answer any questions you may have and help you with all of your plastic surgery needs. We’re ready to help you look your best.