Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Jul 5, 2013 @ 11:36 AM — by
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Body Contouring Body Lift

No surgery is ever one size fits all. Each patients comes to the practice with their own unique needs that have to be met. As such, we always strive to ensure that each patient that comes to our practice is treated as an individual and respected as such. By taking this approach, a plastic surgeon will be able to achieve the best possible result for the individual patient and improve overall treatment experience in the process.

The team at our practice would like to look into the basics of the tummy tuck surgery procedure right now and how it is tailored to the body contouring needs of the patient.

About Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery refers to a body contouring surgery that helps reduce the amount of drooping, sagging, and flabby skin in the lower abdominal area.

Ideal Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery

The best candidates for this advanced body contouring surgery are people who have lost a lot of weight and experience major issues with stretch marks and loose skin in the stomach region. These patients should be in otherwise good health and not suffer from conditions that would make surgery of any kind a risky proposition.

Some of the most common patients who undergo tummy tuck surgery are people who have undergone bariatric surgery for morbid obesity and women who have had children and notice issues with the lower abdomen following childbirth.

Let's now look at the different ways that tummy tuck is tailored to patients.

The Traditional Tummy Tuck Surgery

During a traditional tummy tuck, the following three incisions are made:

Through these incisions, the surgeon is able to remove excess tissue and fat and improve overall tightness and contour of the skin.

The Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

During a mini tummy tuck, the incisions tend to be fewer and less extensive. The surgery is good for people with just minor issues with sagging, stretch marks, and lose skin in the abdominal area.

The incisions can vary from patient to patient. Sometimes all that's required is a single incision along the lower abdominal area, which need not span from hip to hip.

The Extended Tummy Tuck Surgery

The extended tummy tuck is performed when a patient had major issues with body contour and loose skin following extreme weight loss. The primary difference is the incision along the lower abdominal area. Rather than just span from hip to hip, the cosmetic surgeon will extend the incision around the sides to the backs of the hip bones. This will allow the surgeon to make major adjustments to underlying structures and to remove a large amount of loose tissue.

Learn More About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

For more information about the different kinds of tummy tuck surgeries that can be performed and what they mean for patients, we encourage you to contact our Houston cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible body contouring and body sculpting results.