Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Breast Augmentation Prices and Payment Options

May 30, 2013 @ 07:15 PM — by
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Every patient should be given the opportunity to achieve their personal aesthetic goals. While plastic surgery has made this possible for millions of people across the world, there are still many more who are interested in cosmetic surgery but are worried about the costs. At Dr. Azita Madjidi’s Houston plastic surgery practice, breast augmentation is one procedure that is especially popular. However, of all the women who would like to improve the shape and size of their breasts, many are unsure of how to budget the costs of such a procedure. If paid up front, the costs of breast augmentation can be significant. Dr. Madjidi understands that breast augmentation can be a financial burden so she is sure that each of her Houston patients understands breast augmentation costs as well as the variety of payment options available to help budget these costs.

For Dr. Madjidi’s patients in Houston, breast augmentation is personalized to meet each patient’s aesthetic needs and desires. There are a number of choices to be made regarding breast augmentation, including surgical technique (or incision site), implant location, implant size, and type of implant (saline or silicone). Just as each of these factors can affect the final results of breast augmentation surgery, each of these factors can also affect the final cost of the procedure. It is important to consider all of the fees that will be a part of breast augmentation surgery. For example, the average surgical fee for breast augmentation surgery is around $3,500. However, this does not include additional fees which may include:

When all of these fees are included, a patient can expect to pay around $6,000 for breast augmentation. Again, this is only an estimate. The final cost of surgery is affected by a number of factors so a consultation with Dr. Madjidi is the best way to get an accurate surgical estimate.

Payment Options

Dr. Madjidi wishes to make cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation affordable for all her patients. She is happy to work with a number of financing options, including CareCredit, a credit card that is specifically for medical and cosmetic procedures. In addition, patients can explore payment options such as personal credit cards or loans and medical loans. Financing options such as these allow patients to explore payments that fit within their budgets. Many of these payment options allow for little or no payment up front. In addition, some may offer low introductory interest rates or other promotional offers.

Schedule a Consultation

Patients who have assumed that breast augmentation and other plastic surgery procedures are out of their price range can schedule a consultation with Dr. Azita Madjidi to discuss the costs of plastic surgery and learn more about the variety of payment options available to help these costs fit into all budgets.