Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Skin Excision after Weight Loss

Mar 26, 2013 @ 02:00 PM — by
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

Significant weight loss is something to be proud of. However, it can result in excess, loose skin. Excess skin can be embarrassing, cause insecurity, and even lead to irritation and infections. For others, loose skin may result from the aging process or pregnancy. Fortunately there is a number of surgical skin tightening treatments designed to treat loose skin. If you've reached your weight loss goals but excess skin has left you unhappy with your appearance, skin tightening surgery may be right for you. Here is a summary of skin tightening treatments from the Houston plastic surgery practice of Dr. Azita Madjidi.

Skin Tightening Surgical Treatments

There are many surgical procedures designed to tighten skin and sculpted the body. The treatments that are recommended depend on your specific needs and desired results. The following are just a few possible treatments to help you achieve the body you've worked so hard for.

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck procedure is used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. There are three types of tummy tucks: mini, traditional, and extended tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck is used to contour the lower abdomen only. Traditional tummy tucks will improve the look of the lower abdomen and resposition the belly button. The extended tummy tuck is useful for cases of significant weight loss since this technique is used to remove excess skin on the abdomen, lower back, upper hips, and “love handles” (or flanks). For our patients in Houston, tummy tuck surgery offers many benefits including increased confidence and improved appearance.

Arm Lift Surgery

For many people, the upper arms are a problem area. Excess, loose skin hanging from the upper arms can be a source of embarrassment. Exercise alone is often not successful at reducing excess upper arm skin. Arm lift surgery is an option to improve the appearance of the upper arms with the removal of loose skin and fat. There are different types of arm lift techniques. Minimal incision arm lifts are best for those with only minor excess skin, generally as a result of aging. Traditional arm lifts are used to remove fat and excess skin from the underarm to elbow and are generally used on those who have experienced significant weight loss.

Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh lift surgery is another option in skin tightening surgical treatments. There are different approaches when it comes to thigh lift surgery. A medial thigh lift is performed to address sagging skin along the inner thigh. A bilateral thigh lift is done to improve the tone and tightness along the front and outer areas of the thigh.

Face and Neck Lift Surgery

Excess skin hanging from the face and neck can result from weight loss or aging. Fortunately, face or neck lift surgery can be performed to smooth these areas. Neck lift surgery can be performed in combination with liposuction to remove any excess fat. During neck lift surgery, excess skin is removed and the muscles are tightened to create a sculpted, youthful appearance.

Plan Your Skin Tightening Treatment Today

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Madjidi today to create your personalized treatment plan.