Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Thigh Contouring Surgery

Feb 25, 2013 @ 12:00 PM — by
Tagged with: Thigh Lift Liposuction Plastic Surgery

The thighs are a problem area for many of our patients. Unfortunately, diet and exercise are not always enough to achieve or maintain one’s ideal body contour. One way that diet and exercise are lacking is that they cannot correct sagging skin. Weight gain, significant weight loss, and the natural aging process can all cause skin laxity. Through thigh lift surgery, you can achieve a smoother, firmer thigh contour. To help patients achieve the body contours they desire, Houston plastic surgeon Azita Madjidi offers thigh lift surgery. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your thighs, you may benefit from thigh lift surgery.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?

Ideally, Houston thigh lift candidates:

Thigh Lift Surgery Techniques

For our patients in Houston, liposuction may be performed in conjunction with thigh lift surgery. Patients who have good skin elasticity and are only bothered by excess fat in the thigh region may be able to achieve the desired thigh contour through liposuction alone. With that said, sagging, droopy skin in the outer and inner thighs cannot be improved through liposuction. The only way to truly address issues of sagging skin in the thighs is through thigh lift surgery. Excess fat and sagging, dimply skin can be improved through one or a combination of thigh lift surgery techniques. Thigh lift surgery is performed to improve the appearance of the outer or inner thighs, bringing the thighs into better proportion and harmony with the rest of the body. Two thigh lift surgery techniques that may be included in your customized treatment plan are medial thigh lift surgery and bilateral thigh lift surgery.

Medial Thigh Lift Surgery

Medial thigh lift surgery is performed to address sagging skin in the inner thigh region. During medial thigh lift surgery, an incision is made in the groin area that may or may not extend to the back crease of the buttocks depending on the extent of fat and skin that has to be removed. During the medial thigh lift procedure, excess fat and skin are removed from the inner, upper thighs. The skin is then tightened and redraped resulting in a smoother, more proportionate body contour.

Bilateral Thigh Lift Surgery

Bilateral thigh lift surgery is performed to address sagging skin and excess fat of the front and outer thigh regions. During bilateral thigh lift surgery, an incision is made at the top of the leg (where the lower edge of your underwear hits). A small amount of fat and skin are removed, and the remaining skin is pulled up; then, the skin is reattached. Through this thigh lift surgery technique, the skin on the right and left sides of the leg is tightened.

Contact Our Houston Plastic Surgery Center

To learn more about thigh lift surgery techniques, please contact Dr. Azita Madjidi today.