Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty By on August 02, 2013

Houston Revision RhinoplastyThe nose is the central feature on the face, however, it is not the facial feature that should draw the most attention. The job of the nose should be to complement and bring balance to the face while allowing attention to remain on facial features such as the eyes. When the nose is poorly shaped, poorly sized, or other aesthetic blemishes exist, it can attract unwanted attention. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed to correct abnormalities of the nose and create a more balanced and proportionate shape and size. Unfortunately, rhinoplasty surgery does not always produce these desired results. When a patient is displeased with the results of a prior rhinoplasty procedure, Dr. Azita Madjidi can perform revision rhinoplasty at her plastic surgery practice. For those in Houston, revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Madjidi can correct aesthetic flaws and/or functionality problems that have resulted from previous rhinoplasty surgery.

There are a number of causes that can lead to unsatisfactory rhinoplasty results. Complications can occur during the healing process, patients may not comply with post-surgical care instructions, or the original surgeon may have misdiagnosed the required alterations or simply failed to perform alterations as promised. Whatever, the cause, the most common reasons for revision rhinoplasty surgery are either a dissatisfaction with the appearance of the nose following rhinoplasty or difficulty with nasal function after surgery.

Aesthetic Flaws

In many cases when a patient is unhappy with the results of rhinoplasty surgery, it is because they have not achieved the desired appearance of the nose. It is important that patients realize that it can take a full year for the nose to heal and for the final results of rhinoplasty to become apparent. However, if it has been more than a year since rhinoplasty and the desired results have not been achieved, revision rhinoplasty should be considered. Revision rhinoplasty may be necessary if the following flaws are present after an initial rhinoplasty procedure:

  • A nose that is too large or too small
  • Under correction of a bump on the nose
  • Misshapen nose or nostrils
  • An unnatural appearance to the nose (it is obvious that it has been surgically altered)

Functional Problems

Another unfortunate reason for revision rhinoplasty is poor nasal function. A large number of patients seeking revision rhinoplasty experience difficulty breathing. Rhinoplasty surgery is a procedure that is often performed to correct breathing problems so it is especially unfortunate when it creates them instead. Again, it is important for patients to realize that rhinoplasty surgery will cause swelling and it is normal for congestion or stuffiness to occur for the first several weeks following surgery. However, more long-term symptoms may require correction through revision rhinoplasty.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have fully recovered from a primary rhinoplasty procedure and are dissatisfied with the aesthetic results of surgery or are experiencing functional problems such as difficulty breathing, schedule a consultation with Dr. Azita Madjidi to discuss revision rhinoplasty. Dr. Madjidi has the experience and skill to correct surgical results and provide patients with the attractive and functional nose they desire. 

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Dr. Azita Madjidi

Azita Madjidi, M.D.

Board-certified surgeon Azita Madjidi has dedicated her career to helping patients feel and look their best since 1991. Her unique background and extensive training are proof of her dedication to excellence. She is affiliated with the following plastic surgery organizations:

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery (Diplomate)
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association

To learn more about our practice, contact us online or call (713) 797-1000.

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